Saturday, April 21, 2007

Better Bin presentation!

Here is the content of our final presentation:

Recycling bins are important!
1 ton of recycled paper = 17 saved trees
117 lbs recycled paper = 1 saved tree

How can we encourage the use of recycling bins?
Give the user feedback and Make it more fun
- Show them their current contribution
- Display total trees saved by using this bin

Hence... the Better Bin
Lets users know they are REALLY making a difference

The hardware:
Platform (made out of wood. lol!)
(show pictures of platform)

4 FSR sensors
Arduino + Xport

The Pseudo Code:
Code runs every 30 seconds:(actually it's 10 seconds while in presentation's demo)
Arduino gets latest value (weight) inserted into DB
If current weight in bin is > latest value, update db with new value and timestamp
This is our daily scratchpad
At the end of the day, this latest bin value is inserted into a new table called DAYS
Similarly, at the end of the month, all values from last month are entered into a separate monthly table as well.
So at anytime we can reference the LATEST, DAILY, MONTHLY or TOTAL recycled weight.

The Visualization:
Flash & Actionscript
This is our elegant, visual compensation for good recycling habits.
(show picture and explain how visualization works)

Thank you!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Recycle bin saves trees?!

Greg and Guy are working on a great, meaningful and so environmental issue project! (Wow, it's so not my style) Basically the idea is to weigh the recycle bin on the floor by couple sensors and send the data onto a database.