Here is the content of our final presentation:
Recycling bins are important!
1 ton of recycled paper = 17 saved trees
117 lbs recycled paper = 1 saved tree
How can we encourage the use of recycling bins?
Give the user feedback and Make it more fun
- Show them their current contribution
- Display total trees saved by using this bin
Hence... the Better Bin
Lets users know they are REALLY making a difference
The hardware:
Platform (made out of wood. lol!)
(show pictures of platform)
4 FSR sensors
Arduino + Xport
The Pseudo Code:
Code runs every 30 seconds:(actually it's 10 seconds while in presentation's demo)
Arduino gets latest value (weight) inserted into DB
If current weight in bin is > latest value, update db with new value and timestamp
This is our daily scratchpad
At the end of the day, this latest bin value is inserted into a new table called DAYS
Similarly, at the end of the month, all values from last month are entered into a separate monthly table as well.
So at anytime we can reference the LATEST, DAILY, MONTHLY or TOTAL recycled weight.
The Visualization:
Flash & Actionscript
This is our elegant, visual compensation for good recycling habits.
(show picture and explain how visualization works)
Thank you!